"From Macau Daily News 20161217"
To improve the quality of Macau’s catering service quality, with the assistance of the Macau Government Tourist Office, the United Association of Food and Beverage Merchants of Macau and the Macau Institute of Management jointed introduced a set of instructional DVDs with the theme of “Star Level Dried Seafood Professional Knowledge” and a seminar was held yesterday. With the hope of allowing catering practitioners to strengthen the knowledge of dried seafood, it is also expected to improve the introduction skills of traditional dried seafood cuisine. Hopefully all of these can improve the service quality of catering practitioners.
The seminar was conducted at the eighth floor lecture hall at 3:30pm yesterday, and the chief speaker, Leung Kwok Cheung who has more than 40 years of industry experience as dried seafood owner. Vice Chairman Chou Wing Tan, Director Chan Che King of UAFBMM, Macau Institute of Management Dean Chan Ton Kam and relevant catering practitioners had also participated.
The seminar is divided into 4 aspects: introducing the content of the DVDs, professional dried seafood knowledge (abalone, fish tripe), actual dried seafood observation and traditional seafood cuisines and cooking methods. The seminar can improve the comprehensive knowledge of dried seafood from ingredients, handling and storage aspect. Through introducing dried seafood dishes to tourists can consolidate the image of Macau as a tourist city.
During the seminar, Mr Leung gave detailed explanations of abalone and fish tripe. Through actual dried seafood observation and interaction with participants, it can strengthen the understanding of the seminar.